Video Counseling
Dallas, Fort Worth, and throughout Texas
As technology increases so do our options for counseling avenues.
We recognize that many of our clients are busy professionals who are often away from the DFW area, suffer from disabilities that impede office visits, or experience unforeseen circumstances that prevent them from coming into the office. For these clients, Noyau Wellness offers the convenience of online video, zoom, and Skype counseling.
How to Prepare
Therapists at Noyau prefer to meet with you face to face for your first session.
If this is not a possibility, the first session may be held over the phone. During that session, talk with your therapist about the possibilities of using Skype for subsequent sessions. They will explain the process and be able to answer any questions you may have regarding online therapy.
You will need to install the free video software onto your computer prior to your session and create an online ID. Once you have your ID, you will e-mail your therapist with that ID, in return, they will give you their video id so you will recognize them.
Prior to your session you will sign into your preferred video application and ensure you’re able to logon. Your therapist will initiate contact and “call” you at the designated appointment time. Your therapist will make 3 attempts to contact you via video service. If your therapist has not contacted you within 15 minutes of your designated appointment time, we suggest you attempt to make contact.
What to Expect
Once connected, your session will proceed in the same manner as a face to face office visit. It is important to remember that while the therapist will work to protect your confidentiality as much as reasonably possible, they can not guarantee complete confidentiality with video counseling.
The client will be responsible for ensuring they are in a private area where their conversation with the therapist can not be overheard. Likewise, the client must understand that any electronic communication has a possibility of being breached through technological means.