Abuse Counseling and Therapy in Dallas and Fort Worth
Abusive behavior is an epidemic among our community. For both males and females of all socioeconomic classes, abuse is an everyday reality that they are fighting to overcome. Abusive behavior comes in many forms including physical, sexual and emotional abuse. Often unhealthy situations involve a combination of types and can occur in a cycle of violence. Abuse therapy and counseling can play an important role in healing and recovery.
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What are the odds of experiencing emotional, physical or sexual abuse?
While we often feel that we are the only person experiencing an abusive situation, the truth is that 1 in 4 women and 1 in 7 men will experience some form of abuse during their lifetime.
Keep in mind that these are only reported cases. The actual incidents of abuse are likely far higher, implying that more than twice this number of survivors exist.
We often tell ourselves, or may be told by others, that the abuse is our fault. It can be easy for us to see ways in which we believe we have caused someone else’s actions.
While logically our conscious mind knows what is happening is wrong and not our fault, still our subconscious brings about feelings of shame and guilt.
An abuse therapist can help.
What do Noyau abuse therapists bring to the table?
Getting out of an abusive situation can be very difficult for a number of reasons. At Noyau Wellness Centers in Dallas and Fort Worth, we understand the kind of pressure you are facing when deciding to stay or go and how to accomplish that. Likewise we can help you foresee posable complications and how to manage those. We also understand the kind of pain you may have endured while in a situation that you had no control over and no way of escaping such as childhood abuse or sexual assault.
The truth is, no matter your behavior, abuse is never your fault. Nor did your actions cause the other person to lose control or do something they regret. If you are currently in an abusive situation or have experienced abuse in the past and are searching for ways to heal that pain so that it no long effects your current choices, our Fort Worth and Dallas abuse therapists can help.
There is a way past these feelings of anger and humiliation. Working with a specially trained professional is a key component to achieving the sense of peace and control you may be striving towards.
Book a physical, emotional or sexual abuse counseling session in Dallas or Fort Worth today.
You may also call us to schedule a session.
Dallas Noyau Wellness Center: 214-706-0619
Fort Worth Noyau Wellness Center: 682-385-9540