Food Addiction in Dallas and Fort Worth
Food addiction is an addiction that is often misunderstood and judged in our society.
Often, people label those with this addiction as having a lack of self control and will power. They are judged harshly and may be treated very poorly. But, food addiction is an addiction just like drug addiction and alcoholism.
People struggling with this issue have learned over time to cope with struggles in life and deal with their uncomfortable feelings and emotions by eating.
Usually, food addicts were comforted as children by being given food by parents and friends, and this has led to a lifetime of struggling to find comfort and happiness through food.
Are you experiencing…
Frequently finding yourself wanting to stop eating but unable to do so
Thinking about your food and weight repeatedly throughout the day
Eating large quantities of food in one sitting
Concealing your eating habits from friends and family
Finding yourself to always be on a diet or looking for the next best diet
Eating different in private than when with others
Eating when you are not hungry
Eating to forget about your feelings and emotions
Feeling hopeless about your relationship with food
Frequently feeling guilt or shame about what or how much you have eaten
Hiding food or stealing it so you know you will have enough
Eating is effecting your relationships, career, and/or your way of life
Those struggling with a
food addiction
often end up developing a number of other issues that might include anxiety, depression, or eating disorders.
They tend to be very harsh with themselves which leads to the only thing that will give them comfort – food. This inevitably leads to more self criticism and creates a cycle that is very difficult to end.
Some can break the cycle and heal the addiction on their own, but many deal with this as a lifetime struggle.
Food addiction can be difficult to identify and many do not realize there is a way to heal and move forward.
An additional layer that increases the difficulty of
healing a food addiction
is that we have to eat and nourish our bodies. Those struggling with alcoholism or drug addiction can avoid those substances and the places they might be tempted. Food is unavoidable. Not only do you have to eat throughout the day, many functions and family gatherings revolve around food. This makes it particularly challenging to work through.
If you feel you are struggling
with a food addiction that you have not been able to overcome on your own, this might be the time to seek outside help. At Noyau, we have experts in food addiction, body image, and eating disorders. They will work with you to develop healthier coping mechanisms, develop different and new ways of thinking and processing, and work through any lingering issues that might be contributing to your addiction. They will also work with you to identify and develop plans for potential future threats to your healing that you might experience throughout your life.
Our dietitian, massage therapist, and medical practitioner
can work together with your therapist to develop a plan for your success. Sometimes these other elements drastically improve your chances for healing, while other times a person may just need to see and work with one or two of the members of our team. We will work together to create a plan that is specific to you and your needs – one that fits your life and personality.
You are on the right path to breaking free from the chains of food addiction, and we want to provide a comfortable and warm place for you to gain the encouragement, insight, and tools to abandon your addiction for good.
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Book a counseling session in Dallas, Fort Worth, or online.
You may also call us to schedule a session.
Dallas Noyau Wellness Center: 214-706-0619
Fort Worth Noyau Wellness Center: 682-385-9540