Top-Rated Eating Disorder Therapist Dallas
Get personalized, results-driven therapy for anorexia, bulimia, binge eating, and more.

Eating disorders are pervasive in our society, effecting about 5% of our population. The distinguishing characteristics of eating disorders (rather than body image issues) entail pervasive disruption in eating behaviors along with anguishing thoughts and emotions. There are four primary types of eating disorders that people commonly deal with: Anorexia Nervosa, Binge-eating Disorder, Bulimia Nervosa, and Restrictive Food Intake Disorder.
These disorders often stem from a need for control and low self-image/esteem and typically affect physical health, mental health, and social function. People suffering from eating disorders routinely feel that the key to their happiness is centered on being “thin,” and that preoccupation is all consuming a detrimental to physical and mental well-being. Those affected feel that if only they can lose those few pounds or inches, they will then be happy and successful.
Unfortunately no matter how much weight they lose the feeling of contentment never materializes and decrease exponentially as the disorder persists.
Eating disorders often involve low self esteem, self consciousness, and additional mental health disorders (Depression, Anxiety, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, etc.).
A negative running commentary plays in their heads telling them “they aren’t beautiful, will never fit in, everyone is judging them, and/or nothing they do is good enough”. Even when someone takes the essential step of admitting they have a problem and that many of their long held beliefs about themselves aren’t true, it is still very difficult to break such long standing beliefs, routines, and behaviors.
Noyau Wellness and Counseling Center works with clients to develop a healthier more accurate self image, then teaches how to maintain their new found esteem and prevent relapses. A combination of psychotherapy, nutrition counseling, self care techniques, and healthy coping skills work to help clients finally experience the success, confidence, and fulfillment they have been searching for.
How Eating Disorder Therapy Can Help
Getting help for your eating disorder is a huge step and taking that step can be scary. The freedom on the other side is worth it, and evidence based therapies can help you get there. Therapy consists of many different avenues because eating disorders effect various areas of one's life.
Mental/Psychological Health
Working with a counselor in a supportive environment will help challenge your belief systems around food, weight, and body image as well as digging into your genetics, history, cultural, and societal constructs that have shaped and formed your viewpoints. Really understanding the "why" behind your eating disorder can create pathway to healing and freedom from these debilitating disorders.
Behavioral/Physical Health
Counselors work with you to identify patterns of behavior, triggers, patterns, and routines that you have set up over time to sustain your eating disorder. In doing this, your therapist can help you create self awareness and disruptive thoughts and behaviors to challenge these systems. Creating healthier habits and new coping skills is extremely challenging but can be done with effective support, help, and guidance.
Medical Intervention
Your therapist may want to involve a psychiatrist and/or doctor to aid in your healing. Sometimes, psychiatric medication can be beneficial especially with co occurring disorders. You may also need routine assessment from a healthcare provider to make sure your heart, organs, and body are improving and functioning well.
7 of the Best Dallas Eating Disorder Therapists
Why Choose Noyau Wellness Center?
Noyau has been effectively working with clients towards disorder recovery for almost 15 years. The treatment approach Noyau utilizes is based on the mind and body, creating a unique and specific approach to navigating these disorders and finding the best treatment for our clients.
Expert clinicians
Noyau painstakingly works to hire and develop counselors specifically trained in sustained recovery and healing.
Warm, Non-judgemental environment
Noyau creates a warm place to be vulnerable and honest while diving into incredibly difficult topics and issues.
Practical tools and skills
Noyau's treatment team offers practical tools and homework to incorporate into daily life for more successful healing.
Overall mental health healing
Noyau therapists address core beliefs, history, and pervasive thoughts to help clients gain awareness that will better equip them to recover fully.
FAQs about Dallas eating disorder treatment
At Noyau, we treat the following
Anorexia nervosa - restrictive calorie intake, fear of weight gain, body image distortion
Bulimia nervosa - binging and purging in various forms, fear of weight gain, body image distortion, sometimes excessive exercise
Binge eating disorder - consuming food rapidly without hunger, feelings of lack of control and shame
Exercise Bulimia Nervosa - excessive exercise to mitigate calorie intake that interferes with life (including work, friendships, family time, etc.)
Specified Feeding and Eating disorder - symptoms of any of the above but do not meet full criteria of any one specifically
Refusing to eat or denying hunger
Intense fear of gaining weight
Negative or distorted self image
Excessive exercise
Flat mood / lack of emotion
Abdominal pain
Low blood pressure
Frequently feeling cold
Eating to the point of feeling discomfort or pain
Self-induced vomiting
Use of laxatives as a weight loss tool
Minstrel irregularities
Feeling out of control
Constant dieting or fasting