Last 90 Days: How to Finish 2018 Stronger than You Started

What if you finished the last 90 days of the year stronger than you started?  What if when you start 2019, you feel stronger and more empowered than ever, rather than feeling like you’re starting over?  What if you felt like your best self all through the holidays rather than exhausted and drained? What if you didn’t have to make new promises and resolutions because you’ve already been engaging in healthy habits for at least three months?I recently heard Rachel Hollis discuss #Last90Days, and I believe it’s such an incredible concept.  Often times, we let everything go in the last several months of the year. We lose sight of eating well, working out, maintaining self care, engaging in gratitude, etc., - anything and everything that helps us feel vibrant and ready to take on life.  We make promises to ourselves that we’ll start fresh in the new year. But this is a quarter of your year! This is a great time to finish strong and start your new, healthy life. You are worth it and valuable enough to invest in you. There’s so much during this season that will be grabbing for your attention, but you have to take care of you first to truly enjoy all that is around you. Here are a couple of questions to get you started:

  1. What do you keep saying you’ll start in the new year?

  2. What resolutions did you make last year?

  3. How much time do you devote on you during your day?

  4. What are the things that make you happy that you’ve already let fall off your agenda at the beginning of Fall?

  5. What gave you energy over the last year?

After answering these questions, what positive change can you make or pay more attention to today?  Try to maintain that for a week and then add something new next week. For example, can you get a walk-in 3-4 times this week?  Maybe next week, you can get those walks in and call 2 friends you’ve been meaning to catch up with for some time now. Let us help you start your #Last90Days!  Give us a call, and we’ll be happy to get you started on the road to the best and happiest you!#RachelHollis

Angela S. Taylor, MA, LPC-S

Angela is the co-founder of Noyau Wellness Center. She is an esteemed Senior Therapist and a distinguished executive/business coach, consistently working with professionals, business leaders, and executives. In addition to maintaining her private practice, Angela is frequently sought out to lend her expert opinion to media outlets such as CBS, Fox, ABC, and the CW. She frequently develops and trains other therapists and practicing counselors. Angela works to empower individuals, couples, and families to reach success and fulfillment in life and in career.


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