Fort Worth and Dallas Mediation Services
Do I need mediation services?
Whether it be with an ex-spouse, business partner, family member in which you have severed contact, or any number of other conflictual relationships, you may have to deal with that person because of a common interest or something still shared. These situations are difficult for everyone involved, but they still may be necessary and unavoidable.
People often feel these types of relationships are impossible to work through and unavoidable with that particular person. You may begin to feel hopeless and worried that a solution or breakthrough will never occur.
Our Noyau therapists are experts in making these situations easier and less conflict-ridden.
In mediation, your therapist will not make a decision on who is right and who is wrong. He or she will work with you both to find a solution that best meets both of your needs. You will gain insight and understanding while being able to voice your thoughts, feelings, and ideas in a safe environment. These relationships do not have to remain a source of anxiety, frustration, or anger. You can work together with the right help and attention.
Recognized as One of the Best Therapy and Counseling Centers in Dallas - Fort Worth
Top 10 Mental Health & Counseling in Dallas
Top 16 Life Coaches in Dallas
Top 3 Marriage Counselors in Dallas (Angela Taylor)
How do I prepare for mediation?
Be sure to bring any documents, contracts, agreements, or correspondence that your therapist needs to review in order to work with you. These may include divorce decrees, partnership agreements, legal documents, etc. If possible, getting these to your therapist in advance would be beneficial. (Lengthy document overview may require an additional fee.)
Try not to speak to the person you are coming to mediation with before or between sessions, especially about the issues at hand.
If you have not been able to work through these issues on your own up to this point, it will be more beneficial to wait until you are with the therapist. Doing so could negatively affect the progress being made in your therapy sessions by causing additional anger and frustration or developing new issues that will have to be addressed.
What should I expect in a mediation?
Be prepared to sit in the same room as the person with which you are having difficulty (unless a court order states otherwise). Your therapist may split you up as he or she sees fit, but being in the same place will help you to work together more easily in the future.
Try to come in with the mindset of being as open and honest about your needs, feelings, and desires as possible. The more upfront you are in the process, the better the results will be for you.
What results can I expect from mediation?
Your therapist will work with both of you to find the best solution. You both need to be comfortable with the middle ground that is agreed upon and be willing to act accordingly.
Both participants have their own needs and motivations which are valid and deserve to be heard and considered. Your therapist will make sure there are clear
understanding and acceptance of the decision that has been reached.
Ultimately, your progress is up to how cooperative, forthcoming, and understanding you are during the process. You will most likely need to let go of some things in order to move forward productively. Your therapist will help you figure out what is most important to you and let go of the anxiety and anger that has festered over the course of the relationship.
Book a mediation session in Dallas, Fort Worth, or online.
You may also call us to schedule a session.
Dallas Noyau Wellness Center: 214-706-0619
Fort Worth Noyau Wellness Center: 682-385-9540